Minimal concurrent OS

Daníel Grétarsson and Ólafur Bogason

Who are we?

Engineers at Genki Instruments, creators of Wave, an expressive embedded device for music and beyond.

In engineering-speak that means developing everything from hardware and firmware to algorithms and software for end-users.

We mainly use C++, but curious about other systems-level languages. We strive for clean, readable code.


Build boilerplate for a minimal (event driven) concurrent OS.

It should run on bare-metal and have a single thread of execution.

Inspired by our own attempts at building reliable firmware for Wave.


  • Processing power and memory limited.
  • Soft real time (cooperative scheduler) – tasks operate on deadlines that don't cause fatalities if not met.
  • No Dynamic Memory – we can't ever run out.
  • No Exceptions – exceptions are nondeterministic, hard to handle.
  • Catch bugs at compile time as opposed to run time.
  • Development times, maintainability etc.

Why C++17/20?

Type safety

Language features

  • RAII – Deterministic way to manage resources.
  • Templates – Generic compile-time programming.
  • lambdas – Dependency injected, compile-time glue.
  • namespaces – Group together similar code
  • std::variant / visit – Type-safe dynamic dispatch.

    …and many more!

Active developer community

Core concepts


  • Interrupts are the lowest level of abstraction. Arise directly from hardware, halting execution.
  • Events are the meaningful encoding of interrupts, e.g., read sensor, react to pin change.
namespace events {
struct data { std::array<std::byte, MaxPacketSize> packet; };
struct button { uint8_t id; bool toggle_state; };
using var_t = std::variant<const data, const button>;
using queue = etl::queue<var_t, MaxEventQueueSize>;

events::queue event_queue{};

static void pin_handler(const uint8_t pin_id) { event_queue.push(events::button{pin_id, gpio_pin_read(pin_id)}); }

static void data_receive_handler(const uint8_t* const bytes, const size_t size) {
    events::data event{};
    std::copy(bytes, bytes + size, event.packet.begin());

Message passing (dispatching)

  • Message passing is a form of communication accomplished by queuing events.

    std::variant offers many ways to achieve dynamic dispatch, e.g., std::holds_alternative + std::get (exceptional), std::get_if, std::visit

#include <variant>

// creates helper type for the variant visitor
template<class... Ts> struct visitor : Ts... { using Ts::operator()...; };
template<class... Ts> visitor(Ts...) -> visitor<Ts...>;

// struct visitor {
//     void operator()(const int& v) {};
//     void operator()(const float& v) {};
// };

void handle_int();
void handle_float();

int main(int argc, char** argv)
    std::variant<int, float> v;

    if (argc ==  2) {
        v = 42;
    } else  {
        v = 42.0f;

        [&](const int&) { handle_int(); },
        [&](const float&) { handle_float(); },
        }, v);

    return 0;


Smaller binary, performant.
Larger binary, extra cmp, nice syntax, exhaustive.

Tasks / Scheduler

  • A task is an abstraction that represents some processing unit.
  • A scheduler runs tasks from the main context (!)

#include <tuple>

template<typename... Args, typename Func, std::size_t... Idx>
void for_each_impl(const std::tuple<Args...>& t, Func&& f, std::index_sequence<Idx...>) {
    (f(std::get<Idx>(t)), ...);

template<typename Tuple, typename F>
constexpr void for_each(Tuple&& tuple, F&& f){
    constexpr std::size_t N = std::tuple_size<std::remove_reference_t<Tuple>>::value;
    for_each_impl(std::forward<Tuple>(tuple), std::forward<F>(f),

void handle_int();
void handle_float();

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
    volatile bool scheduler_running = true;
    volatile bool task_1_running = true;
    volatile bool task_2_running = true;

    const auto task_1 = [&] {
        const auto needs_work = [&] { return task_1_running; };
        const auto process_work = [&]{ handle_float(); };

        return std::make_pair(needs_work, process_work);

    const auto task_2 = [&] {
        const auto needs_work = [&] { return task_2_running; };
        const auto process_work = [&]{ handle_int(); };

        return std::make_pair(needs_work, process_work);

    const auto task_list = std::make_tuple(task_1, task_2);

    while (scheduler_running) {
        for_each(task_list, [](const auto& task) {
            const auto[needs_work, process_work] = task();

            while (needs_work()) {

    return 0;

Finite state machine

  • Finite state machines describe and handle business logic or hardware functionality, e.g., button or battery monitoring.

Two-button shutdown

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#include <>
#include <cstdint>

void ui_indicate_shutdown();
void system_shutdown();

namespace events {
  struct button { uint8_t id; bool toggle_state; };

struct two_button_shutdown {
    static constexpr uint8_t ButtonX = 0;
    static constexpr uint8_t ButtonY = 1;

    auto operator()() const {
        using namespace boost::sml;
        using namespace events;

        const auto is_x_pressed = [](const auto& e) { return == ButtonX && e.toggle_state; };
        const auto is_y_pressed = [](const auto& e) { return == ButtonY && e.toggle_state; };

        const auto is_x_released = [](const auto& e) { return == ButtonY && !e.toggle_state; };
        const auto is_y_released = [](const auto& e) { return == ButtonY && !e.toggle_state; };

        const auto shutdown = [] { system_shutdown(); };

        const auto indicate_shutdown = [] { ui_indicate_shutdown(); };

        return make_transition_table(
               *"none_pressed"_s + event<button>[is_x_pressed] = "x_pressed"_s,
                "none_pressed"_s + event<button>[is_y_pressed] = "y_pressed"_s,

                "x_pressed"_s + event<button>[is_x_released] = "none_pressed"_s,
                "y_pressed"_s + event<button>[is_y_released] = "none_pressed"_s,

                "x_pressed"_s + event<button>[is_y_pressed] / indicate_shutdown = "both_pressed"_s,
                "y_pressed"_s + event<button>[is_x_pressed] / indicate_shutdown = "both_pressed"_s,

                "both_pressed"_s + event<button>[is_x_released] = "terminating_y_pressed"_s,
                "both_pressed"_s + event<button>[is_y_released] = "terminating_x_pressed"_s,

                "terminating_x_pressed"_s + event<button>[is_x_released] / shutdown = X,
                "terminating_y_pressed"_s + event<button>[is_y_released] / shutdown = X

int main(int argc, char** argv){
    boost::sml::sm<two_button_shutdown> sm;
    static_assert(sizeof(sm) == 11);

    sm.process_event(events::button{0, true});
    sm.process_event(events::button{1, true});
    sm.process_event(events::button{0, false});
    sm.process_event(events::button{1, false});

Logging for free

namespace sml = boost::sml;

struct MyLogger {
    template<class SM, class TEvent>
    void log_process_event(const TEvent&) {
        LOG("[%s][process_event] %s\n", sml::aux::get_type_name<SM>(), sml::aux::get_type_name<TEvent>());

    template<class SM, class TGuard, class TEvent>
    void log_guard(const TGuard&, const TEvent&, bool result) {
        LOG("[%s][guard] %s %s %s\n", sml::aux::get_type_name<SM>(), sml::aux::get_type_name<TGuard>(),
                sml::aux::get_type_name<TEvent>(), (result ? "[OK]" : "[Reject]"));

    template<class SM, class TAction, class TEvent>
    void log_action(const TAction&, const TEvent&) {
        LOG("[%s][action] %s %s\n", sml::aux::get_type_name<SM>(), sml::aux::get_type_name<TAction>(),

    template<class SM, class TSrcState, class TDstState>
    void log_state_change(const TSrcState& src, const TDstState& dst) {
        LOG("[%s][transition] %s -> %s\n", sml::aux::get_type_name<SM>(), src.c_str(), dst.c_str());

Logger logger{};
sml::sm<two_button_shutdown, sml::logger<MyLogger>> sm{logger};


